Recently someone blogged about irons. I wasn't really familiar with the blogger, but I just had to post a comment. I have had no luck with irons in the past few years, really since I began quilting over twenty years ago. New irons, regardless of price, just don't perform, in mho. They rarely last out a year. Now, old irons are a different story altogether. Vicki uses her Mom's iron. I'm not certain of the age of it, but it must be thirty, if it's a day. It puts out steam like nobody's business, and gets really hot, and is heavy. One quick pass and whatever you're ironing is smooth as silk. I've been searching for one of my very own, and finally found one, and it's a beauty! Almost new. It had the original box and instructions, although they were musty. I think someone used it for a short while, and put it away. The original price was on the box - $18.95. I paid considerably more, but it was worth every penny.

Now for something quilty. Here is a little (6") Friendship Star block I made a week or so ago. Just because...
What a nightmare the modern irons are! I don't remember my mother ever having to replace an iron. I think it's time to start hitting yard sales and flea markets to see if I can find an old one like yours!
You sure have got that right about the irons, I had a good iron that belong to my mother and my daughter needed one so I let her have that one and got a new one, what a mistake that was. HAPPY SEWING
I bought three irons in the past year. Two work but are slow to heat up... When we bought our house back in 96, the house came furnished.... The best thing that was left behind was an iron that must be about 30 years old... I dug it out last weekend and boy does that navy heat up fast steam like crazy I feel I won the lottery....
I love my ancient iron!!! When I find a name on it I am going to try to find another!!!
I agree about irons - I must hard on them, because mine don't last either!
I have an old one like this for fusing, maybe I should put it to regular work! I like an auto shut off, but then you can't have everything.
Pretty friendship block
I SO agree with you! I love my old old iron and will never buy another new one as long as I live!
That is one beefy iron! Nice score!!!
Funny you should post that block....I am quilting a quilt with some of those Friendship stars in it. Just started today.:)
Don't get me started on the subject of irons or the air will turn blue! My wedding present iron (40 years old) died a little over a year ago. Just layed down and died. All replacements no matter cheap or costly have been duds. I now buy the cheapest available at the master of all that is cheap...Walmart. If it lasts 6 months I feel lucky.
I used to have some of the brown you used in the quilt block. I liked it very much. I had some of the blue, too. It all looks good together in your block.
It's such a throw away product, irons! This one will last forever probably.
I have had a similar experience with modern irons! One that cost $40 - $50 only lasted a few months! Sigh. What year and model is you new/old GE? I'll start a hunt for one of those. Did you find it on E-bay or at a yard sale? Your just because block is very nice. Happy ironing.
Love the brown fabric in the friendship star - lots of movement!
I think the iron in the picture on your blog is a Sunbeam, but, I'm not sure. Can you share the name of the iron, and year. Thanks!
Not sure of the year, but the iron is a GE Steam & Dry. My guess is that it could have been made anywhere from the fifties through the seventies.
I envy you that iron.....I don't understand why manufacturers continue to make them so light and so fragile. I love the weight of the old irons and yes, you can burn the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of yourself if you're not careful, but they really do the job! sign me, green with envy.
LOVE the IRON!!! What a wonderful find!
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