October 17th is the last day for the 'Civil War Quilters: Loyal Hearts of Illinois' quilt exhibit at the Illinois State Museum Lockport Gallery. This exhibit has made its way thru multiple locations, so you've probably seen these quilts on other blogs. They are worth another look. This Oak Leaf quilt (ca. 1860) was made by Sarah Ann (Elliott) Dunn from Elliottstown, IL. Sarah's husband, Andrew, enlisted in the IL U.S. Infantry at age 49. Her son, Thomas, served his country at the age of 18.

The Sunburst Quilt (ca. 1855) was made by Jan Gaunt (Richards) Russell. This crib quilt was made for Jane's granddaughter, Sadie B. Fulkerson (born 1866). Sadie's father was a confederate soldier. The fabrics in the quilt predate the Civil War.
The Seven Sisters Quilt (ca. 1870) was made by Mary Ellen (McLain) James and George W. James from Indian Creek, IL. Following the war, George (an injured veteran) made the template and cut the 14,320 pieces for the quilt.
So, now for the "Where's Waldo" reference. I've been absent from the blog for the summer. I had a couple of deadlines that monopolized my free time. The first project was a knitted shawl for my niece's Paris honeymoon. Knitting is a great travel project and I got alot accomplished on my work commute. She returned home last Sunday - can't wait to catch up with her.
Second project - in mid May my number came up on the AQSG Civil War Quilt Study waiting list. The deadline for quilt delivery was Sept. 11, 9:00 AM. It literally took every minute - I am now re-acquainted with hand quilting. The label was sewed on the night before the 5:30 AM road trip to Milwaukee. Unfortunately, I had no picture taking opportunity in daylight hours prior to handing over custody. The lighting in the exhibit area was a tad dark. The quilt measures 42.5" square. The inspiration quilt is from The Quilt Index #09.0207. Now we're all caught up!