Texas Braid top is finally finished. It was nerve-wracking when I first trimmed a strip, but it was a breeze really. I am happy with this one, and am anxious to have it quilted.

As usual, I overcut. Lots of leftover 2" bricks.

There were also a few leftover red 2" squares, so I am making four patchs as leader & ender blocks.

Here are the trimmings from the completed Braid strips. What kind of lunatic saves stuff like this?! They will make half-square triangles that finish to 3/4". Gotta keep 'em.
Sarah Richardson has a new HGTV series, and this time she is remodeling her family's lake cottage. I loved the old brass bar used to hold this sweet quilt. At first glance, I thought it was a 9 patch with 4 patch sashing, but the block is really a 9 patch surrounded by white strips, with 4 patch corners. Then, it is sashed and has a little post.

Here is the entire room. Isn't the quilt just perfect on the narrow wall?
I saw that episode of Sarah's show too and noticed the quilt right away.
I love the fact that when she decorates she makes extensive use of quilts in her rooms and they usually look like antique or well loved ones.
She used a lot of really great quilts when she renovated the farm house last year.
Those triangles are also great for corners of snowball blocks!
Congratulations on the finish - Texas Braid!
Beautiful fabrics.
I save all the small bits too - looking forward to seeing what you do with them.
The quilt on the brass bar is perfect--now that has me wondering where I can put one in my house. I absolutely love the four-patch blocks using the leftover reds. They really are eye-popping!
But I have to admit I would probably throw out those little leftover triangles, and my Mom has always accused me of saving everything!
If you really end up making 3/4" HST I will applaud--and I want to see them!
Great job with the texas braid. So many options with the 4 patches. I save small pieces, too, usually putting them into crumb blocks. I'll have to check out Sarah Richardson - like that room and the way she displayed the quilt.
Your Texas Braid quilt is so lovely!! Wow!!
I love the idea of the brass bar as a quilt holder. So unique!!
love love the braid. I always wanted to try this - one day.
The brass bar is an awesome display piece!
DH always knows when I've been watching too much HGTV...the house gets re-done!
Love your Texas Braid..is it stretchy or does it lay flat pretty easy?
Love your Texas Braid, and I laugh about the tiny scraps. Glad I am not the only one - people think I'm nuts for the small pieces that I keep -but you would be amazed at how much jewelry I can make with those itty bitty pieces! One woman's trash...
Love the braid quilt. Like you , l am a great over cutter. But its also great when the leftovers are inspiration to start a new quilt different from the one the pieces were cut for.
I just love this braid quilt and said just the other day I think I will finally make that quilt over the summer! I always over cut too!!!!
so you used a red print and not a solid!!!!!
hmmm I may have the perfect print but I do love that solid red I have too!!!!
I love Sarahs house. can't wait to start watching this one too!
Love your braid quilt. Aren't scrap quilts just so much fun?
Love the colors of your braid quilt
I do really love that quilt on the wall. I'm sure finding an antique brass bar would be a fun treasure hunt. Maybe I'll start keeping an eye out for one.
Love your braid quilt! I tried winging it once and couldn't figure out where to center the ruler to trim. I have a couple very skinny braids!
I love the quilt on the brass bar; that is such an inviting room. Your braid quilt is wonderful.
I generally over cut when making a scrap quilt. More to play with. Your braid quilt is wonderful!
I love your Texas Braid! I am sorry to say that my Texas Braid that I started when Bonnie Hunter was here is still a giant UFO! :( I can't throw away scraps either if I think I can possibly use them later. I think it might be a disease! lol
Texas braid is fantastic. You have a way with scraps, and I love the name of your blog :)
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