This sunflower quilt was beautiful, and the close-ups of the fabric came out quite well.
Excuse the blurriness of this shot...
Enlarge this one!
I plan to share some other pics from the week spent in NYC in future posts. I can't add to the already glowing reports, except to say that I can't imagine that I'll ever forget those red and white quilts, and the way in which they were displayed. I know that I have even dreamed of them!
It was wonderful to meet fellow bloggers, and put faces to names, in some cases. I feel like it was quilter's Woodstock! We can all say that we were there for the quilting event of the new century!
Such beautiful treasures! I especially love the doll quilts as I share your fondness for them. Thank you for sharing, Jan.
the doll quilts were beautiful I really wished they would have been opened up! ah yes the middle one had my name all over it! just look at those colors/fabrics!!!!
oh the sunflower quilt was amazing wasn't it?
I think it was the oldest quilt displayed wasn't it?
what an amazing week my mind is still racing from the red and white exhibit!
I would have liked to see the middle doll quilt too. Looks like a big diamond consisting of little diamonds.
Thanks for posting these pics....I was on my phone camera for the museum and a lot of my pics are a bit blurry! (I filled up my camera's card at the R&W show earlier in the day! Eeek!)
I fell in love with those little doll quilts! Adorable!
Personally, I would have really liked to touch the doll quilts.
Absolutely lovely - especially the dolls quilts. I bought a beautiful French antique doll's crib last week to use for display at the shop. We have yet to dress it - we both love miniature quilts!
Nice to see these quilts. I couldn't switch my flash off my camera so couldn't take photos at the the American Folk Art Museums - Good to meet up with you hope we can meet again somewhere sometime in the future.
Thanks for sharing....
Quilters Woodstock for sure!
It was an inspiring set- maybe today is a good day to make a doll quilt...Tx Dawn
couldn't you have died for that wonderful little bed. I just loved it. and the little quilts were to tiny and old and sweet.
I love the sweet little doll quilts. How I wish I could have gone to the NYC exhibit. I'm so grateful to those who have shared pictures...that is the next best thing.
Quilters Woodstock, hahaha. It was definitely the highlight of my quilting career.
Thanks for sharing these! What gorgeous quilts!
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