The camera that I use for blogging purposes is also the one that my husband uses for work. It hasn't been around the house for a few days so I'm sharing a flannel quilt that I had made for my niece Anna when she had leukemia five years ago. I hope that it comforted her when she went through some grueling treatments. Thankfully she is a healthy young woman now.
I had hoped to show you a recent doll quilt finish. When I get a camera for myself (and learn how to use it) that will happen!
Beautiful flannel quilt, I am sure it has brought many comforting moments to your niece.
What a nice snuggly quilt. I'm sure she'll love it.
Christmas is coming, maybe santa will be good to you :)
I'm sure it was lovely to snuggle into something so pretty and that had been made with such love. I'm very happy that Anna is healthy and well now.
This quilt is even lovelier close up, when you can appreciate the dainty fabrics.
Start your Christmas wish list now!:)
I bet the quilt brought her a lot of comfort.
Beautiful quilt! I believe your Niece felt the love that you had for her when you made the quilt and was comforted by it. :)
Pretty! Double 4 Patch is one of my favorite blocks!
I've shared a camera too....not easy. Go get one! Love the quilt. What great way to say get well and give comfort too!!
Tell your beloved that the camera for you is not on the "wish" list, it's on the "need" list. :)
The quilt is wonderful, I'm sure it gave much comfort to your niece.
Love your quilt...and I am sure it is a comfort to anyone that gets to use it!
I agree that flannel looks so comforting. I mave have to finish mine now that you have brougt it into my conscusnious. It's almost done, just needs that little nudge at the end.
Gorgeous scrappy quilt...I bet she loved it.
Get yourself out there and get a camera...These days you can get a nice one for a good price. I great website that reviews them is http://www.dpreview.com/
A good digital camera is a purchase you will never regret, go for it.
I love your quilt, I've never made a flannel quilt but my 10 yr old son says he'd like one. I really enjoy your blog, love your fabric choices, they inspire me.
Sicuramente Anna ha trovato conforto in questa trapunta,
sono contenta che ora sta bene
mi piacciono molto i colori che hai saputo abbinare.
Ciao Domenica
What a blessing that particular quilt is still a comfort.
Tigerdirect.com for best deals on electronics..D orders from them a lot.. ships out of Chicago fast..... I thought this quilt looked familiar!!I had to check my photo archives to make sure... cause you know.. I've SLEPT since then. I can send you more shots of the baby quilt to post if you want!
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