Next weekend Jan and I are having a sew-in at my house. We've got plenty of firewood and good movies, but we were missing a design wall. So, after a trip to Jo-Ann's for batting (50% off coupon - Woo Hoo) and the big-box store for insulation board, we now have two 4x8 walls hanging down my hall! As my hubby says, 'Ta and Da!' What a treat - hoping I'm motivated to finish some projects that have been languishing in boxes (like the two in the pic at right).
Jan and I took a trip to the quilter's yesterday for drop-off/pick-up. We stopped at two great IL quilt shops - Quilt Merchant in Winfield and Prairie Stitches in Oswego. Prairie Stitches is a featured shop in the current Quilt Sampler. Their quilt is on the cover - what a beauty in person!
Docia from Quilt Merchant graciously allowed the following pics to share on the blog:
Halloween fun
Geoff's Mom Pattern Co - The Storyteller
Jan and I both loved this doll quilt - looks old, but is new
Never say never! Over lunch I mentioned to Jan that I don't buy fabric for a particular project - always adding to stash. Within an hour, I added a new project and purchased 4 yds of the following Jo Morton fabric for background. Stay tuned!