And the quilting! The strips are fairly wide, and only two rounds, but this quilt just does it for me!
An Amish log cabin. Almost electric, wouldn't you say?
This one is a modern example. I think the strips finish to one-half inch.
Check out these fabrics! Don't most of them look like calicoes from the seventies and eighties? Those VIP and Peter Pan prints that were the earliest "repro" type available? I think this quilt proves Bonnie Hunter's theories of quilting beautifully. It's the color, not the print that matters; and if it's still ugly, you just didn't cut it small enough!
Check out these fabrics! Don't most of them look like calicoes from the seventies and eighties? Those VIP and Peter Pan prints that were the earliest "repro" type available? I think this quilt proves Bonnie Hunter's theories of quilting beautifully. It's the color, not the print that matters; and if it's still ugly, you just didn't cut it small enough!