Friday, May 17, 2013

Cutting, Cutting and More Cutting

Long time, no post, but I have actually been busy in the sewing room.  Inspired by Colonial Squares, made by the prolific Keryn, this quilt has been on my mental to-do list ever since she made hers.  My version is a charm quilt, mainly because I have so many 4" swatchs from Vintage & Vogue.  They would send out swatches of all the new reproduction lines on a monthly basis.  (This was probably back in the '90's, and I don't think they still offer this, though.)  Being the weirdo that I am, I prewashed, and dried all of them, then stacked them in a boot box.  I know that you will understand when I say that the box is still nearly full! 
If this design inspires you, be sure to check out Keryn's detailed instructions on putting together an on-point quilt.  I intend to use her method when I begin sewing this together.  Make sure you have time to spare if you haven't been on Keryn's blog - what a feast for the eyes!  Then, check out her twin sister, Mereth's,  blog, Pages from Me.  These girls are so artistic, and make such wonderful quilts!  You will love them!
Back soon with other projects - promise!