My current project (started in Shipshe) is an Ocean Waves variation from Arkansas Quilts. There are 49 blocks. I need 28 hst for each block, so I'm using the method that yields 8 hst from each square (3 of these plus 2 of the normal square that yields two makes the cutting and sewing speedy). That's alot of hst's to trim! I sew four sets of four and then add them to the storage container.
You need to know the block neighbor when constructing the block - at least the way I'm putting it together. I'll admit I don't always make block construction easy (just ask Jan). I'm more than half way there! I'm anxious to start sewing some blocks together. I checked out Oklahoma Heritage Quilts from the library in the town where I'm working. I think I have this book at home, but I love having quilt books in the hotel to peruse at night. I found something for the project list. Trouble is, I need a visual filing cabinet - a saved photo or note gets lost. So I made a sample block. The quilt was full-sized, but I'm thinking doll or crib size. The 9 patch in my sample finishes at 1 1/2" - cute! I'm happy to find something for the 1" scrap strips. It's fun digging thru my meager hotel stash to make something work. How do you keep track of all the ideas?
It occurred to me yesterday how lucky that we can spend stolen minutes making progress on a project. This came home to me when visiting a painter's studio and thinking of all the preparation required to 'make the magic'. Like Kathie from Inspired by Antique Quilts says - always leave something to sew tomorrow (or in my case, hst's to trim).
As I mentioned in the last post, I would share the finished top that was started in Shipshewana. I'm quite pleased with it! It is a replication of a full sized top that used a striped piece in the center. It was more fun to use some skinny strings! Now, here is the reason I haven't been more productive in the last few months.
After many years of living with numb, tingly, and, finally painful hands, I had carpal tunnel surgery on Thursday. So far, it's a breeze, and I can only be disappointed with myself for not taking care of it sooner. As I told the surgeon (who is really cute btw!), "You just don't go to the doctor because your hand hurts". He asked when it started bothering me, and I said, "Oh, the late '90's". See, I only have myself to blame! If you are contemplating taking care of your carpal tunnel problem, please don't hesitate. I may have some permanent damage because of letting it go. Feel free to learn from my mistake! Now if I could figure out why the text is white in my posts...I'll work on changing it because I know how hard it is to read.