The other day I was watching an episode of Sew Many Quilts, and I remember thinking, as I have before, that the safety glove they wear seemed kinda silly. It looks so cumbersome, and awkward. Monday afternoon, I had been cutting long strips for a baby quilt backing - no problem. When I cut the first of the short strips at the top of the photo, I cut into the side of my fingertip. There was't any blood visible on the blade so it didn't seem too bad. Then I ran my finger under the faucet - ouch - to see the damage. It really isn't awful, but the side of my fingertip, and fingernail, were sliced off. My first, and hopefully last, rotary cutting incident in 25 years of quilting! At the off-hours clinic, I did learn that a cut like this heals from the outside in, and should be kept moist, and covered until completely healed. Also, that running the cut under tap water for 15-20 minutes is as good as irrigating with saline, OR mix some wound disinfectant into a glass of water, and soak for the same amount of time. I really hope none of you need this information, though!
When I got back home, I checked to see if I could still cut with a giant forefinger, and it was no problem. Get back on that horse! But, maybe, that safety glove isn't such a bad idea now.
Oh, dear! I've had the same thoughts on those gloves, but a couple of years ago my mother did this very thing. I still haven't started wearing the gloves, but I give careful thought to finger placement when cutting.
Oh, my goodness. I'm glad you're okay. Our rotary cutters are a blessing for getting things done so quickly, but can be a lethal weapon as well. Ouch!
Oh my gosh! I'm with you on the glove, but a slice on the hand may make a believer of us both. I've trimmed off a fingernail, but fortunately never drew blood. Good info on the healing, and I hope I don't need it. Speedy healing. Oh my, again- there are 8 numbers in the 'Prove you're not a robot below" Good luck to me getting them right and leaving this comment!
This happened to me but the whole edge of my finger came off--but not the nail. It wasn't even my fault--the rotary cutter broke. It was pretty terrible, though, but I didn't go to the doctor. It healed okay, but now my index finger is slightly tapered.
I feel for you. I did this last spring. It took much longer to heal than I expected. I couldn't put pressure on it to continue cutting and it was a while before I could type. I felt so foolish. I was away from home sewing with friends and I just couldn't get my finger to stop bleeding. I finally had to go home, not because I was in pain, but I was getting woozy from the sight of all that blood. (probably much more information than you wanted - ha!)
I feel for you. Being a past quilt shop owner I did it on more than one occasion.
Take care of it.
Bet that throbbed for ages. Hope it heals quickly.
Once in 25 years are great odds! Never in 50 years is better.... hope it heals soon.
Oh my gosh, Jan, I did the exact same thing. Same finger. Same injury. Mine healed up pretty good. Just have a weird flap on the side of my finger. ;o). 12 years post injury and i haven't resorted to the glove yet! Rotary cut on!.
I was cringing the entire read through this post! I think I need those gloves! lol
Hope your finger heals glad you are still able to work with it all bandaged up. And I'm so glad you didn't hurt yourself any worse! How awful!
Bummer! Avoid handling citrus fruit for a few days!
How scary - hope heals quickly.
Ouch! I bet washing your hair is a difficulty!
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