Friday, October 25, 2013

Library Envy

I have a wonderful local library.  It never disappoints, but the modern structure can't compete with the North Adams Public Library in MA.  The mansion was the home of Sanford and Eliza Blackinton from 1869 thru 1896.  In 1897 the mansion was purchased by the city for the public library and opened the following year. 
Wouldn't you love to checkout a book and settle in the parlor to read the first few chapters? 

 Libraries are great places to visit on your travels!
How cool are these stacks!


 Just up the road I ran into another sweet library - the Gilbert Hart Library in Wallingford, Vermont.  The library was given to the Town of Wallingford on July 25, 1894 by Gilbert Hart.  It is built in the Neo-Classical style.  The foundation and lower walls are rock-faced blue marble and the upper walls are terra-cotta buff brick.
Another great parlor for reading!
The view looking out the front windows in the children's room.
A close-up of the front exterior.
 I've found some great Halloween inspired photos to share from my recent travels to Charleston, SC; Stow, VT and Deerfield, MA.  All the tombstone art is from the 19th century.

The sun wasn't co-operating, but this one was very cool.
And so you don't feel cheated by no quilt content (and as a reward for sticking with me 'til the end), I spied this sweet string star crib quilt in an antique shop stop.  Sorry to say it didn't come home with me.
H a p p y   H a l l o w e e n ! ! !


  1. Love the baby quilt.
    And I love old cemeteries--and I love Stowe, Vermont! I was just there a week ago. : )

  2. What a fun post. All of my favorite things, quits, library and gravestones!
    What a beautiful old building and yes, those stack are amazing with the wrought iron.
    Great spiral quilting on the crib quilt -

  3. Love libraries--a great place to get lost. So glad our city has a great one

  4. Lovely photos, I loved it all. I used to live near Wallingford, Oxfordshire, England.
    I did enjoy seeing the little quilt, it is charming.

  5. Love that house. I love love old houses like this. Great quilt too.

  6. I really enjoyed this post! What a great idea to pop into libraries during travels. Great little string star too.

  7. Oh, I love old architecture ang graveyards. Thanks for the pix and info. Gre intage quilts in the last post too! chhers, Claire W.

  8. i just linked to your blog from Jo's Country Junction and imagine my surprise to see the library of my home town, North Adams, Nice

  9. OMG, what a beautiful library! The shelves are amazing! Thanks for sharing that...

    Teresa :o)

  10. I have fond memories of discovering my love of reading by visiting my childhood library, the North Adams Library. Thank you for sharing this and reawakening those memories.

  11. What a wonderful library! Cleveland, TN had a library much like that for many years--then they decided to build a modern library on the rear of another old building. Not nearly as inspiring. I'm glad you still have your wonderful old building.


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