Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How About this Piece of Fabulous?

This caught my eye on Ebay.  It looked like it would make a nice little tree skirt for a feather-type tabletop tree.  I'm enjoying it now on my kitchen table for a while, though.  Did you notice that the center is a seven-pointed star?!  I didn't until it arrived, and I really studied it.  That makes it even more fun, I think.


  1. Love your little table topper. It is truly a treasure. Hugs

  2. Das sieht wunderschön aus.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  3. What a fun find! It's quite striking. I can envision it looking wonderful on a kitchen table!

  4. Love this! I never find the good stuff on e-bay!

  5. How About it?!
    it is lovely. I wonder what the heck angle to you need to sew to get a 7 pointed star?
    I love the colors and I'll bet it makes a lovely table topper.
    So, will you cut it for tree skirt? or use underneath?

  6. I love the colors! GREAT find~

  7. What an interesting piece. I had to count the center pieces twice. Wonder what happened. Maybe the maker cut the pieces too large.

  8. That would take some math and geometry to figure out a seven pointed star. What a great find.

  9. How in the world did they come up with a 7-pointed star? What a find!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That's some crazy math to get a 7-pointed star! Wow! I love it!

  12. That's such a treasure, I love that the star has seven arms.

  13. Sweet......nice colors and looks like lots of quilting too...how are the edges finished? Do I see some fraying there? Is it an old piece?

    Thanks for sharing your new piece of fabulousness :0)

    Happy Sewing

  14. What a great find. I wonder what it was in it's first life? I love to study them, too.

  15. Absolutely gorgeous!! Love that it's 7-pointed.

  16. Love your table topper! Scrap quilts are my favorite, I have bought several scrap quilts off ebay and love each one.:)


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