Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wrap Up

I've been doing a little reflecting on my 'quilt year'.  The highlight for me this year was the NYC trip for the Red and White Exhibit.  Thanks, Jan, for being my traveling buddy!  I'm so glad to have visited the American Folk Art Museum before the closing of the main facility.  I've picked a few pictures from the trip to share. 

This Whig Rose (circa 1838) was exhibited at the main AFAM facility.


This Cactus Rose block (circa 1855 - 1865) was exhibited in the Lincoln Center AFAM facility.  This piece was the gift of Irwin Nelson in honor of Robert Bishop
And the Red and White - what an amazing display!

So, snuggle in and rest up to meet the New Year. 

AFAM Doll Quilts - gifts of Frances Rasmussen in memory of her daughter, Cathyann.


  1. The red and white exhibit was a highlight for all of us who had the good fortune to get there. I am happy I got the chance to meet you and Jan in person when we were there! Happy New Year to you both!

  2. Gorgeous quilts! Nice way to move into the new year!

  3. I still think about that exhibit almost every day.
    Still amazes me! It was fun meeting you both just wish we would have had more time to chat.

  4. The red and white exhibition would have to be the highlight of the decade for those fortunate enough to have seen it. The red and green quuilts are very beautiful, I'm especially fond of the whig rose, sigh.
    Happy New Year!

  5. I dont think I'll ever tire of reliving the red and white exhibit and meeting all the wonderful people- including you and Jan!!

  6. Gorgeous quilts! And that block is stunning! Happy New Year!

  7. What fun to revisit these - I so miss the museum and can't really believe it's not there.
    I love that little dolly bed and quilts.
    I'm still sad we didn't meet up when you two were here!
    happy new year!

  8. I love all the red and white - thanks for sharing. NYC is one of my favorite places and I always try to fit in a trip to AFAM - didn't know they were closing. I enjoy your blog - I've just started blogging and have added yours to my sidebar. Great blog name - made me laugh when I said it out loud:).

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