Sunday, August 21, 2011
Ugly Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
There has been quite a lot written about the use of ugly fabrics on quilting blogs of late. Tonya's ( Lego top that she has been making; Lynn's most recent post on Of course, Bonnie Hunter is famous for using uglies along with pretties in her quilts to fabulous effect. This top was made from her Scrappy Bargello pattern using only my ugliest fabrics. I downsized the pattern to use 2 inch strips instead of 2.5 inch strips hoping to downplay the true ugliness of the fabrics. As Bonnie says, "If it's still ugly, you just didn't cut it small enough"! I must not have cut these strips quite small enough.
I am being brave and giving you all views!
At least the old iron bed, and the room are pretty!
I couldn't possibly take a flattering photo of this top as you will see in these close-ups.
Oh, not ugly, just colorful & busy! And think of all the fabric that's vacated your stash!
ReplyDeleteThe quilt is beautiful... love all those little squares... didn't see any ugly fabric, just interesting ones...
You are looking with your critical eye, Jan, I personally see a great quilt that most of us would be proud to own, or make! You've done real good-thumbs up!!
I don't see one thing ugly about your quilt. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
ReplyDeleteI like the overall effect of the pattern, but I agree, there are some uglies in there.I recognise lots of them from a certain era, and they were in my stash too.Some are still in my box of "expendables" but most have gone into donation quilts. How wonderful that you used so many of them up.
ReplyDeleteThis is a spectacular quilt! Isn't it funny how our uglies aren't ugly to OTHER people?!? Maybe it's kind of like how I'd rather clean someone else house than clean mine! (or organize their quilt room...) I guess it's true that one man's crap is another man's candy.
ReplyDeleteIn stitches,
Teresa :o)
Ah, but you used a different setting!?! I love it! Yes, I have to agree there are some uglies, but together they look fabulous. Would never get bored looking at this quilt. I wonder myself how so many of the uglies get into my stash. Can't wait to see it quilted!
ReplyDeleteGreat quilt and its uglies is part of it's charm!
ReplyDeleteOne of the older quilters in my group claims if the fabric is ugly you are either standing too close or it isn't cold enough out....
ReplyDeleteOhhhh but all together it is fabulous!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I need my eyes checked, but I think your quilt is very pretty...and maybe the 'brown cloud' is dust since it's SOOO hot here in Texas ;)
ReplyDeleteIt's fantastic - I love it. I have been quilting for only 8 years but already I look at some of my early fabrics and think "why" - lol. You have some very unusual fabric in this.
ReplyDeletegreat quilt...and not ugly at all!
ReplyDeletelove the pattern...what is it called?
I think your quilt has so much charm. I love how you put all those fabrics together. And when you quilt it, even more magic will happen.
ReplyDeleteI am totally amazed at how many fabrics in your quilt...that I have had in my stash!!! Lovely...I love it!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you're talking about - I think your quilt looks incredible!! I've been wanting to make that pattern from her website for ages. The fabrics only look ugly when you look at them too closely and individually. Together you've put them into a wonderful scrappy quilt.
ReplyDeleteYou sure have some ugly fabric. I have always thought ugly fabric gives quilts a certain charm, so I actually collect them. Although some fabrics are uglier than others. Your quilt has so much character that blocks of pretties couldn't give it.
ReplyDeleteI think it looks great! These kind of quilts are like a time capsule.
ReplyDeleteBeen following you a while - never posted. Enjoy your blog.
OMG! What a funny post. But...yes, those are some ugly fabrics, but I think on a whole, the quilt is just great, it's just old fashioned and sometimes old fashioned is what is required for some old iron beds. Thanks for the smile! :D
ReplyDeleteI don't see it as ugly....I see it as an incredible palette of older fabrics! It truly is pretty!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat Jan. I didn't see ugly at all. I imagined myself loving that quilt. Using it. Sleeping it under it. And I was inspired. Inspired to use some of the ugly stuff I push to the back of stash. This is SO GOOD FOR MY BUDGET.
ReplyDeleteYou did good on many levels (as far as I can see). I have to say good job on a fantastic finish because a finish is a finish, right?
Oh, but I love such a scrappy quilt. If you don't I would be happy to give it a caring home. : )
ReplyDeleteI recognize far too many of those fabrics. The brown woodsy next the green marbled--I know they both live in my stash!
I think it is a great looking, true scrap quilt!
I agree, it wouldn't call this an ugly quilt at all! :) I even have some of the fabrics you used in my stash right if you want some more of it just let me know!
ReplyDeleteIt's not ugly in my eyes...a beauty to be sure.
ReplyDeleteWell heck yee-ow...some of them are ugly since you are POINTING them out to us!!!
ReplyDeleteYou've just looked at these fabrics a LOT longer than we have...they've been in your stash all this time and not ours!! HA!!
It's an amazing quilt! I.LIKE.
p.s. with the high price of fabrics these days we may begin to LOVE some of those ole ugly fabrics in our stash again!
From a distance the quilt is a real beauty!!
ReplyDeleteThe sum is great that it's parts, lol.
ReplyDeleteI love the overall look of the quilt - so comforting and homey.
The close ups of the individual fabrics is a fun tour through fabric history.
Thanks for showing us your great quilt.
The quilt looks great! The contrast of color is all you need to make this a huge success, and you've done it! I've made 4 of these quilts this summer and I still have ugly fabric... we all know what that means. More of my family will get great quilts with a bit of ugly thrown in!
ReplyDeleteDon"t listen to the nay-sayers, that is one ugly quilt full of ugly fabrics. BUT, it is so bad that it switches to the charming side and I love it.
ReplyDeleteHang onto this one!
Charming is an excellent word and description! I LIke what Lynn (above) said - Is it quilted yet?
ReplyDeleteThe fabric tones of color is what I love about it, looking from a distance, you did very well I think.
ReplyDeleteI breeze through over a hundred different blogs everyday. I am only looking at the pictures. Kids, keep going, fabric someone just bought, speed on by.
ReplyDeleteI was stopped dead in my tracks by your gorgeous quilt. The overall effect is gorgeous. Remember, Monet's Water Lilies are horrible globs of paint up close, but a masterpiece from across the room. Great job!
It's BEAUTIFUL! I have some of that brown woodsy fabric-in several colorways. I think it was one of the first "big" (that's relative) floral prints available. Everyone bought some becuase we were so tired of ditsy calicos. Lois
ReplyDeleteThose "uglies" just blend right in and only pop out when you highlight them. :o) I think it is truly a wonderful quilt. can be such a pretty color if it's the right shade...soft and creamy. :o)
ReplyDeleteIt turned out to be a beautiful quilt. This pattern is definitely one I have to make,. All those interesting fabrics can keep you occupied for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteno way, this is a BEAUTIFUL quilt. you've just seen too much of it individually to appreciate it. You did a great job with the contrast and that's the only thing Bonnie worries about. I've seen the UGLY fabrics in her quilts close up, and believe me, they are just as ugly.
ReplyDeleteI recognize a lot of those fabrics, they're in my stash too. Your quilt turned out great. It's a good feeling to use up and get rid of some fabric pieces that have lingered way too long. Thanks for the inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI love your quilt! The overall effect of the fabrics is very pleasing.
ReplyDeleteI look at some of the older fabrics in my stash and think they're ugly. Then I remember I thought they were nice compared to the others in the shop when I chose them. Those unbought fabrics must have been REALLY ugly! LOL
It is absolutely beautiful - and I think much must be said for the artistic eye that can turn ugly into beautiful. It is a gift, not everyone can do it, and you have done quite a magnificent job at it.
ReplyDeleteIt sure is pretty in the pictures. But then you gave ne the closeups and remind me how many of those uglies are in MY stash! How did they get there??? Your guess is as good as mine!
ReplyDeleteit is lovely, really lovely
ReplyDeleteSome blog posts should come with warnings. I'm thinking: Caution, avoid drinking hot beverages while reading this! I didn't just laugh out loud, I howled with laughter (more than once). And here I was asking myself just the other day "why don't they make peach fabric?" Now I know. Personally, when dealing with ugly fabrics, I just take off my glasses and being near sighted, it all becomes a homogenous blurr.
ReplyDeleteLovely quilt! I hope to make one of my own ugly quilts one day.
Gorgeous! The art of quilting lies in taking what comes to hand and making something beautiful of it.