Saturday, December 11, 2010

Giant Daisy Quilt

My husband and I both enjoy decorating, and we are big fans of Sarah Richardson, a Canadian interior designer. She has had a few series on HGTV. On the last series, she bought a farmhouse and completely renovated each room. For one of the bedrooms she found this fabulous cheddar, or maybe chrome yellow, quilt. Isn't it dynamic? I know, the pictures could be better, but they were taken off of the television. The entire bedroom design was based on this quilt. I mean, how could you not? Quite a bit of hand quilting, too.
Haven't been doing any sewing at all lately. I've been busy, but hope to have some time free up soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. I love this quilt! I've got the series recorded on my DVR because I just really really loved this house and the way it's decorated. Quite a few awesome quilts in it!! This one is just particularly happy I think! :o)

  2. Great quilt! And I think the pictures were great for off the TV. I wouldn't have known.

  3. I'm familiar with the Sarah Richardson series with the old farmhouse, but I must not have been watching very closely. I missed this quilt! It's such a graphic, bold decorating choice.

  4. You are right, that is a fabulous quilt....

  5. oh my gosh I LOVE her shows, did you see her Christmas party show yesterday???
    what fun.
    now when I saw this quilt I thought oh my I would love to make it thanks for the pictures.
    I tried to find it on line and couldn't thank you!!!!
    its officially on my list!

  6. Oh wow, what a great quilt. Love that cheddar!

  7. What a fun quilt! I bet the room was fantastic!!
    Merry Christmas.

  8. I saw that show and found it interesting that she used the quilt for inspiration for that particular room.

  9. I loved that show! The farmhouse series is still on my DVR - I still haven't mastered my DVD recorder so I can put it all on disk.

    She used quilts as focal points or color scheme enhancers in a few of the rooms which I though was really great.

  10. I love this quilt! How can those sunflowers fail to make you smile? :0) You got great pictures too - from the tv?!? Lovely pictures of the handquilting.

  11. I just saw a Sarah Richardson show yesterday and was really impressed with her taste. I talked to my husband about installing a banquette in my kitchen after seeing what she did. Would love to see what she did with the old house.

  12. I thought this quilt looked familiar! I remember Sarah's victorian house series and recorded some of the segments. I was hoping to get some ideas for my old victorian.

  13. I too loved her series. I even made my version of the red/white quilt. Love her shows and only wish there were new ones!

  14. I've tried drawing the petals for this block but I can't get it right. Did you ever make this? I really would like to make this quilt.

  15. I actually have an identical quilt just like this on my longarm now. A customer saw the same episode and wanted one for herself. It is beautiful!

  16. Does anyone know where I could get the pattern to make a quit just like this? I've been searching for months!


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