Tuesday, June 22, 2010


There hasn't been much sewing time since returning from our fabulous trip. Sometimes quilting/sewing takes a back seat to reading, especially when it's on the back porch. My sewing room is upstairs and there's no AC up there. I really should be spending more time there because it's just going to get hotter!
I've managed a little progress on Bonnie Hunter's String Spiderweb pattern. The upper left shows sections sewn into two "blocks". The shrinkage is generally amazing to me. The "star" has become more prominent, and I'm not thrilled with that. Maybe it's just the surprise of seeing it draw up.
This is going to have to be a full size quilt for maximum impact, don't you think? It really was in the plan all along, but I really would like to make some smaller quilts; it just doesn't seem to happen!


  1. i think this is awesome and would so like to make one of these someday.


  2. Fantastic quilt...makes me want to give the Spiderweb a try. Until I moved off of the farm, my sewing room was upstairs and no AC, so I know how you feel.

  3. I have this pattern...love yours a ton! Very pretty background, makes your quilt interesting!

  4. I love it! When I saw the photo I saw the strings first not the stars. A big quilt is the way to go with this one:)

  5. The reason the stars stand out is they are calm and easy on the eyes. They are needed so the eyes can rest and then eyes can go to the strings to absorb the fabric in this and that section.

  6. Love the background fabric you used for your spiderweb...though it does make the webs jump! (saw you are reading Sarum...I read his whole series. They are sort of addictive!)

  7. no AC - ouch!
    the spider web looks great, always like them!

  8. My spiderweb is finished but not quilted. It does need to be pretty good sized to make an impact.

  9. Love the spiderweb although I've never made one myself. I think it's a fun, amazing quilt when it's all done and the background fabric you chose is PERFECT!

    As for sewing without Air Conditioning... That's a little like torture, isn't it? I mean, I'm just thinkin'... :)

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  11. Your string star looks good. I keep thinking about making one and you are inspiring me to get busy on it.

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  13. it's wonderful! i need to make smaller quilts, too, but it never seems to happen here, either. if you EVER figure that one out, please let me know! ;)

  14. This is going to be a fantastic quilt! No matter what size you end up deciding on it's a stunner. I love the background fabric you picked out. Makes me want to make this quilt.

  15. I love your background. Makes all the spiderwebs pop.


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