Monday, December 28, 2009

The Ghost of Christmas (Distant) Future

I started this applique at a Gwen Marston retreat (the last Gwen piece I have to share). The spark is from Country Living Country Decorating by Bo Niles from 1988. This book has been culled from my local library, so I'll have to find my own copy. This will be a nine block Christmas quilt. The original has deep sashing between the blocks with beautiful hand-quilting. There's a wavy vine border sporting big cabbage leaves. The red center and green leaves(?) will remain constant between the blocks, but I'm changing the shape of the light print pieces with each block - the second block has a pawn shape piece replacing the whale's tail here.
I wish I had some beautiful red and green delicate applique to show, but 'it is what it is'. The applique alone measures 14" across - big, clunky pieces, but I like it! You can probably see the stripes of the spread peaking thru on this picture, but the background is a solid (P&B 01).
A pic of my kitchen Christmas mantle. I finally broke down and paid a ridiculous price to frame this poster - a Christmas gift to myself. The red transferware plates were a gift from my mother-in-law a few years ago - I love them! My son painted the village tree stand - a treasured piece placed out of reach.


  1. What a beautiful home you have !

  2. I love the block!
    would love to see the whole quilt, guess I need to buy this book too!
    Oh I just love those red transferware plates, beautiful.
    oh yes a treasure the tree and stand.

  3. Now I love that block too, there's something about big pieces that's been appealing to me lately. Keep going, it'll be fabulous.
    Your mantle looks great, I love the plates!

  4. I love the applique block. I don't think it's clunky at all.
    Love the pieces on the mantle and the framed picture looks really good.

  5. Absolutely LOVE the block. It's fantastic! I am going to be watching for this one - most certainly. And Vicki, I really am in love with that framed poster!!! Double treat for yourself on this one. What a good Woman you are. I don't know if I'm speaking out of turn here but perhaps I'm correct when I say "'s so difficult to spend money on ourselves and fabric doesn't even count." At least not when it comes to things such as this. Now I can't let this visit go by without saying how much I too adore your red plates and if I were a millionaire I'd collect them (plates). Topping this stop off I'd have to say my heart goes out to you focused on the fact that you've made a special place for the special treasure you son hand-painted. The things that matter! Warmly and leaving having enjoyed this visit, *karendianne.

  6. Love the framed Print!!!!!!
    it WAS so totally worth it...


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