Sunday, October 18, 2009

Checking In

I haven't had much sewing time lately. I hoped to have the rick-rack border done on the Colorado quilt, but it's still on my 'To Do' list. I haven't decided on the final measurement of the borders, but this is close - 1 1/2" inner before rick-rack and 3" outer.

I have a couple week-end retreats coming up soon, so Delora (my Featherweight) and I will be spending some quality time together.


  1. Quilt retreat is the perfect opportunity to get projects going towards a finish line. This quilt is looking very good, I do love your border treatment.

  2. I think the zig zag border will be awesome!

  3. I have always kind of wanted a featherweight. I'm sure I'll eventually get one. They just look so beautiful as they us them.

  4. Your border is looking great! Have fun at retreat!!

  5. really loving the look of this quilt, love the alternate block fabric.
    I need to make a zig zag border on a quilt soon!

    ah yes I have a featherweight too, I use if for decoration :)
    how silly is that????


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